The Ultimate Guide to Creating a Thriving Pollinator Garden
Thank you for your interest in supporting your local pollinator populations! Each one of us can make a difference in our own gardens and communities, and collectively, we can create global impact. We have gathered our best resources about pollinators here in one place for easy reference. Each of the links below contains a wealth of information and inspiration, and we encourage you to explore them all. |
Find the Best Pollinator Garden Plants |
Learn About Supporting PollinatorsDiscover how you can make a meaningful impact on the health of pollinators through thoughtful gardening practices. Explore our guides for detailed information on creating lively habitats that attract and sustain hummingbirds, butterflies, and other vital pollinators:
Looking for more? This is where you'll find a comprehensive list of articles about annuals, perennials, and shrubs that benefit pollinating bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds. See all pollinator gardening articles. |
Videos: Gardening for PollinatorsHere, you'll find numerous videos from our YouTube channel and from our friends and partners, all focused on gardening for pollinators.
Container Recipes for Your Pollinator GardenMany annual flowers are attractive to pollinating bees, butterflies and hummingbirds. Explore the container garden recipes linked below which include one or more of those plants to bring pollinators right up onto your porch or patio.
Pollinator Gardening on Proven Beauty Do you know about This inspiring website is filled with garden project ideas, DIY tutorials and more. Many of the topics featured in our Gardener's Idea Book are covered here. Below are links to some of the pollinator garden information you'll find on Proven Beauty.
Pollinator Idea Boards Idea boards work a lot like Pinterest, but all of your ideas will be saved for you right here at You can create as many idea boards as you'd like, and save ideas from our suggested idea boards as a springboard for inspiration. Here are a few we've created on pollinator gardening.
Southern Gardens with Norman Winter Do you garden in the South? Our southern gardening expert, Norman Winter, shares his favorite pollinator plants with you in these articles. |
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