An excellent plant for my rainy NY, USDA zone 5 region. I used it as a filler for a container in a part-shade area, and it's doing its own thing with no need for extra attention. Another positive is that I can save this plant for next year, citing its shade-to-sun light requirement flexibility and its lack of vernalization requirement. A real versatile plant that I may try in my parents' SoCal region next year. I need something tough to help them out with their more arid yard.
Purple Chablis™ Dead Nettle Lamium maculatum
- Sun or Shade
- Early Spring
- Spring
- Summer
- Fall

8 - 12 Inches10 - 14 Inches14 - 20 Inches20cm - 30cm25cm - 36cm36cm - 51cmFeatures
A frothy confection of silver and green foliage with lavender-purple flowers; heat tolerant. We generally use Purple Chablis as a component plant in container gardens, but they can also be grown as a perennial in zones 4-8.
Continuous Bloom or RebloomerLong BloomingFoliage InterestHeat TolerantDeadheading Not NecessaryDrought TolerantResists:DeerCharacteristics
Plant Type:AnnualHeight Category:ShortGarden Height:8 - 12 Inches 20cm - 30cmTrails Up To:24 Inches 61cmSpacing:10 - 14 Inches 25cm - 36cmSpread:14 - 20 Inches 36cm - 51cmFlower Colors:PurpleFlower Shade:Light PurpleFoliage Colors:GreenFoliage Colors:WhiteFoliage Shade:Green and silver variegationHabit:SpreadingContainer Role:SpillerPlant Needs
Light Requirement:Sun or ShadeThe optimum amount of sun or shade each plant needs to thrive: Full Sun (6+ hours), Part Sun (4-6 hours), Full Shade (up to 4 hours).
Maintenance Category:EasyBloom Time:Spring through SummerHardiness Zones:4a, 4b, 5a, 5b, 6a, 6b, 7a, 7b, 8a, 8bWater Category:AverageSoil Fertility Requirement:Average SoilSoil PH Category:Acidic SoilSoil PH Category:Alkaline SoilSoil PH Category:Neutral SoilUses:Border PlantUses:ContainerUses:Edging PlantUses:GroundcoverUses:LandscapeUses:Mass PlantingUses Notes:Plant alone or in combinations in all container types and landscapes
Maintenance Notes:Self-cleaning, no deadheading necessary.
9 Reviews
5445321Browse reviews from people who have grown this plant.-
James, New York, United States, 2 years ago
An excellent plant for my rainy NY, USDA zone 5 region. I used it as a filler for a container in a part-shade area, and it's doing its own thing with no need for extra attention. Another positive is that I can save this plant for next year, citing its shade-to-sun light requirement flexibility and its lack of vernalization requirement. A real versatile plant that I may try in my parents' SoCal region next year. I need something tough to help them out with their more arid yard.
James, New York, United States, 2 years ago -
An excellent plant for my rainy NY, USDA zone 5 region. I used it as a filler for a container in a part-shade area, and it's doing its own thing with no need for extra attention. Another positive is that I can save this plant for next year, citing its shade-to-sun light requirement flexibility and its lack of vernalization requirement. A real versatile plant that I may try in my parents' SoCal region next year. I need something tough to help them out with their more arid yard.
James, New York, United States, 2 years ago -
A super low-maintenance plant. I forgot I planted this in one area of my garden, and completely neglected it. It bloomed way longer than I expected, and when I replanted it the following year, it came back strong as ever. There hasn't been any sign of wilting, it's a beautiful plant.
Krissy Head, Missouri, United States, 4 years ago -
Lamium is a great ground cover and for me it has grown in the shade and in full sun. Grows and spreads quickly. A bit tooo social especially if you live close to the forest. I have had to continually pull this from the woods because it is not native and I do not want it taking over.
Cathy, 8 years ago -
Love, love, love Lamium! One of my favorite groundcover perennials in my yard. This one has beautiful flowers, as do many of my other varieties.
Laurie S., Michigan, United States, 8 years ago -
I work at Hart Farm and I was given this plant to grow in my garden. This is a care free specimen that I planted in a pot, placed it in partial shade, and watered daily. With little grooming, it took off and created a profusion of green and lime colored leaves ending in small purple button flowers. I love it!
Lynn Sztuka, Massachusetts, United States, 8 years ago
4 Recipes
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